Glass pool barrier


Brisbane Pool Certificates offers the most comprehensive free and on-the-spot repairs to your pool fence.
30 minutes of free basic repairs are included as part of the pool safety inspection. These repairs cover all of the most common causes of non-compliance:

Pool gate not self closing

Gate not self closing

Correct hinge tensioning solves this common and very dangerous problem.

Pool gate latch rubbing

Gate latch rubbing

Another common cause of gates not closing, this requires small alterations to the latch positioning.

Pool gate stuck open

Gate stuck open

The final cause of open gates is being stuck on vegetation requiring pruning, or other objects.

Climbable plants

Climbable plants

Climbable branches and limbs near the pool fence are not compliant. Free pruning is included as part of the inspection.

Climbable objects

Climbable objects

Other climbable objects, such as hose reels, hooks, shelves etc can allow a child access over the pool fence. We can remove these items from the fence or wall.

Missing fence bolts

Missing fence bolts

Missing fence bolts and screws will be replaced since they compromise the strength of the barrier.

Loose fence palings

Loose or missing fence palings

Loose or missing fence palings are reattached or installed because gaps greater than 100mm are not compliant.

CPR sign obstructed

CPR sign obstructed

CPR signs will be repositioned where necessary so they are easy to view from all parts of the pool area.

Build up of soil at base of fence

Ground level build up

Sometimes a build up of soil or mulch results in a fence not meeting height requirements. Excavation to reduce the height of the ground level will reinstate correct barrier heights.